I love being creative

Welcome to my website. I am Brennan Smith and I'm an inspiring artist in all kinds of art, I like music drawing/painting and photography. This website is here to showcase all the work I've done up to this point of life. It has photography, drawings, paintings and poetry.

Brennan Smith

Photo of Me

A little about me. I was born in oklahoma and lived here my whole life. Ever since I was young I've loved all things creative be it drawing, music or photography. It all started with me drawing instead of do my work in school, and it progressed from there. Now I do all kinds of creative things. Like drawing, painting, sculpting, and poetry.



Here are some of my latest work
Click on the images to make them bigger

Examples of photos I've done

Photo I took of my friend Jimmy
fire place photo I took at a Skills USA competition
My cat as a kitten
flower sunset photo I took on my phone
Sunrise by water photo I took on my phone
Fountain photo I took at a Skills USA competition
Photo of the cake at my friends wedding

Examples of Art I've done

Traditional art
Art piece I did for my friend
Skeleton art piece
Logo for multimedia class I made as an assignment
Reference sheet for a character
Cat logo I did for an assignment
Profile picture I did for myself
Art piece I did for a friend


Where to contact me

Based in Paoli, OK

Taking art commissions
Contact me for prices

Instagram: Brennandoesart
discordDiscord: Shadowedbeast #4410
Email: Rosedragon127@gmail.com